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Newspaper is not collective propagandist, but also a collective work organizer too!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

One More Word From Those Feminist...

As you all (communist and capitalist) know that the Singapore government just had a cabinet reshuffling. Most of the attention in the gov... I mean national newspaper had the attention directed towards the Law Minister post. However, there was a section that catches my eye, a column that lacks the intensity of propaganda...

... once again, childish behaviour displayed by modern feminist made it into daily servings of national inspiration...

Do not get me wrong, the feminist movement that I am discussing now is not those of the Marxian or 1950s feminist, those were of noble cause that wish to free oppressed women. This 'movement' that I am refering to are the 1990s, capitalist feminist, those whom have nothing better to do but bitch about how unfair their life is, but their real motto is how to get the upper hand in this 2 sex species and paint a bad image (mostly lies and deceit) on men.

This time, these cretins have nothing better to do but to bitch about how 'unfair' the current cabinet is... that it lacks their so-called 'required' number of female ministers to keep them satiated. This just boils the porlitubo once again...

The Singapore government and us may not see eye to eye and have the same ideology, we doubt that we vote for them. However, we do share one thing in common, we need to do our job the best we can. To get this done, we need the best Ministers, MPs and such...

Apparantly the modern feminist do not get the entire idea of a minister. He or she literally controlls the entire department and the future of the country. It is a post that is only awarded to the one who gives the most service, determination and skill to the certain ministry. It is not an eay job, that is why not everyone can be a Minister. Should a woman be better in giving the most service, determination and skill to the certain ministry, she would certainly get the job (it is a meritocracy society). Unfortunately, that is not the case as there seem to lack females who gives the most service, determination and skill to the certain ministry, and hence could not make the cut.

So, feminist, try to incoporate intelligent thought before making such comments. To ensure the best outcome for Singapore, the post has to be given to those with the best qualification, not gender issues.

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NOTICE: Ceeding from 0712C

With effect from 0000 hours on 25th of February 2008, the state will henceforth ceed from 0712C into the Democratic People's Republic of 12 Series (DPR12S). This is in line with many events that occured within the political realm of 0712C itself:

1) The humiliation and scrapegoating of the state during the 2007 National Day outing
2) The lack of understanding from 0712C to the state, especially observed during 2008 Red Cross Flag Day
3) The extreme idelogical differences between the state and 0712C
4) Conflicting ordinances and policies by the state and 0712C, including but not restricted to discipline and relations with deadweights
5) Lack of respect and opinion from the state to 0712C

Henceforth, the split will ensure the state will continue with its duties and developments with greater efficiency and allow the state's principle to be upheld, while 0712C to continue with any further actions without constant reciprocal to the state, its people and its ideology.

All public relations between individual members of 0712C will undergo review, policies to the benefit of 0712C to be stopped and abolished by 2350 on 24th of February 2008, standing ordinances will be sent for review after 24th of February 2008 and, should it be deemed unfavourable, abolished.

Anyone willing to withold attempts of creation of DPR12S, other than members of the state, sharp reciprocals are in store.

-- Thought of the day --
The beginning of revolution begings with the workers and peasants themselves.

Personality Scan

How evil are you?
Take this test!
From swinging to dangerous heights on the jungle gym to buying that pricey sweater in every color, the one thing you can be depended on to do is, well, too much. It may not work out perfectly all the time, but you're the one who will try your hardest to go the farthest, and that's usually what it takes to get ahead. And we love it! After all, nobody ever changed the world by playing it safe.

Sure you take it easy sometimes, since you can't live life on the edge all the time. Still, everyone appreciates your grand gestures and big passions, and they can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Way to keep everyone guessing!
Take this test!
Your color is black. The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them — your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness — trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.
super geek